Since 2000
GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 14.36563314, E 14° 21.573'
Latitude: 46.24876874, N 46°14.894'
Access by car:
1. Take the Ljubljana–Jesenice motorway in the direction of Kranj. Take the Kranj – Vzhod (East) exit No. 9 and turn left towards the centre of Kranj. Go straight on along Cesta Staneta Žagarja. At the crossroads following the bridge over the River Kokra, go straight on to Oldhamska cesta. After 50m you will see the main water tower on the left and the apartments are behind it.
2. From Jože Pučnik Ljubljana Airport, take the regional road straight to Kranj. Go straight on along Cesta Staneta Žagarja. At the crossroads following the bridge over the River Kokra, go straight on to Oldhamska cesta. After 50m you will see the main water tower on the left and the apartments are behind it.
GPS Coordinates:
Longitude: 14.36563314, E 14° 21.573'
Latitude: 46.24876874, N 46°14.894'
Access by car
+386 40 504 544